

“Postcards From London” is focussed on the postcards of London, Ontario, Canada. This includes those of or about “London” made by any publisher anywhere, but as well those of other places but created and distributed by “London” publishers. It is hoped it will be more than a checklist or catalog, but also a repository of local history and postcard information. Please remember that postcards were the method of choice for quick communication between 1871 and 1918. It was the first texting method. Mail was received two or three times daily. They were also avidly collected, and with many businesses eager to supply them, they were produced in abundance covering many local subjects and topics of interest. Due to all these factors, a great deal of social and visual history is preserved in postcards.

I will not claim credit for all that is contained here. The initial inspiration and source of information came from the book “Best Wishes From London Canada” by Daniel J. Brock published in 1992 by Gatherick Press. Dan, as I have come to know him, is not a “collector” but rather a local historian. His friendly and freely given advice has been of great assistance. He himself extends credit in the book’s Acknowledgements section to all those collectors and local historians who helped him in his effort. They include C. H. Phelps, Michael Baker, Glen Curnoe, Stephen Harding, Fred Israels, Tom Johnston, John Lutman, Gordon MacDonald, Ed Phelps, Glen C. Philips, John Small, Don Whetstone, Harry Reid, Graham Esler and Derek Dalton.

I next have to give acknowledgment to the members of the London Postcard Club also known as the London & District Postcard Club. The club had a short life between 2014 and 2016. I know because I founded the club. Unfortunately, it became too much work for one person who supplied the location, the agenda, the technical support etc. I have decided to pursue the study of London’s postcards privately again with the help of several club members I will thank below. That is not to forget that valuable information was shared by others in the club and has helped in the pages that follow.

I want to especially thank John Aitken who continues to help move this study forward. John has what I believe to be the most extensive knowledge and collection of London postcards.John has always shared that information and has been of invaluable assistance in creating the contents of this site. I also want to thank Dick Staecker and Doug Mercer for their contributions and assistance.

I welcome any questions the reader may have. I value all contributions to the effort. Finally, any comments and constructive criticism are always welcome.

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